Hidden charges or statutory charges
There is no hidden fees/ charges to be paid by clients However there is STATUTORY PAYMENTS and these charges are not hidden but opened statutory payments which include SURVEY FEES , DOCUMENTATION FEES , APPLICATION FORM FEE , DEVELOPMENT FEE and ELECTRICITY FEE . Everybody buying land *(Even if you don't buy through a company)* knows that he or she MUST do all these at one time or the other.
Also our partnering companies always make this as open statutory payments by having it written in their frequently asked questions form which is part of the subscription form a client will fill to buy land from the company.
Reach us for more information,site inspection and others @t
Whatsapp/Call: 08037113955
There is no hidden fees/ charges to be paid by clients However there is STATUTORY PAYMENTS and these charges are not hidden but opened statutory payments which include SURVEY FEES , DOCUMENTATION FEES , APPLICATION FORM FEE , DEVELOPMENT FEE and ELECTRICITY FEE . Everybody buying land *(Even if you don't buy through a company)* knows that he or she MUST do all these at one time or the other.
Also our partnering companies always make this as open statutory payments by having it written in their frequently asked questions form which is part of the subscription form a client will fill to buy land from the company.
Reach us for more information,site inspection and others @t
Whatsapp/Call: 08037113955
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